Except for fat people.
Look fat people, I may drink and I may smoke and I may have unprotected sex with any number of wasted (albeit slim) stupid women. But none of that means I want to hear about what a bad person I am from someone who doesn’t have the self control to put down the ice cream.
“You drink too much,” a fat person will tell me.
“I know,” I will respond politely. Then I will ask, “Do you know where I can get some really great ice cream? Of course you do, you're disgustingly fat.’
If they tell me that it’s genetics, I will tell them that alcoholism is genetic. If they tell me that it’s some kind of glandular thing, I will tell them that their glands are making everyone in the room want to stop eating mid-bite. Well, everyone except the fat people, who can’t stop eating.
Look, I’m no saint. I make mistakes. I occasionally go to jail for my mistakes. Sometimes, I make so many mistakes that organizations are personally called in by important people to set me right. Life happens. Not much I can do about that.
But I can control my waistline.
And for this one reason and one reason alone I would like to send a message out to all fat people:
If you want to be fat, go ahead, but don’t judge others for their personal indiscretions just because the proof of said indiscretions is never forced to try to get into a pair of pants, you chubby-ass haters.
In conclusion, this country has entirely too many fat people and really needs to do something about it.
Look I'm all for the no judging think but if fat people can't judge you for your excesses, why exactly are you allowed to judge them for theirs?
think = thing..sorry
I am not allowed. Which is why I wait until I am being judged to judge back.
i'm sorry and perhaps i'm making a judgment based on this post and the probation office post but you seem like the type that is out with his buddies drinking and will sit and make comments about the fat chicks at bars even if they dont look at you
"Seem like th type."
Yeah, safe to say you're passing judgment.
I agree with you Na...Rickety Knees... People shouldn't judge other people and when fat people decide to cast their judgement on other people, it's just asking for trouble. While you may have your vices, people outside of said bar/club where you are enjoying these vices have no knowledge of them. Fat people, meanwhile, broadcast their vices to the entire world through their image and therefore, have no grounds to base their judgement on. And for the record, I used to be fat so I know how it works from both sides of the coin. It takes hard work to loose the weight, and a lot of time people just want an easy fix and don't want to put in the time and effort it takes to eating healthy, working out, etc. Judge on, Rickety, judge on.
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